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During the pandemic, like many families, we struggled through the growing pains of being stuck under one roof 24/7, juggling work, school and a third child's birth. However, as school and work schedules returned to normal, we really questioned whether this was it for us until retirement. Taking advantage of the American housing market in early 2022, we decided to sell our home and vehicles, quit our corporate jobs and take a self-funded sabbatical to Costa Rica. We committed to at least a year here, but immediately fell in love with the people and beauty of this amazing country and decided to make this our home.


From that decision, Mango Baby Beach Rentals was born with the idea to bring quality rental options for both baby and beach to the Guanacaste Province. Our passion for excellence is what drove us from the beginning, and it continues to push us each day. At Mango Baby Beach Rentals, we believe that offering the best rentals, even the most basic of items, can make a big difference in the lives of our customers so they can enjoy the beauty of Costa Rica.



John, Rebecca, Jack, Fiona & Rocco

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